

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How Much is Too Much?

In going back to my first posting . . . how the effects of 9/11 affected us in one short moment but has left an everlasting pain in our hearts, our souls and in our country. In 2010, these horrific memories are still alive in us…nine years later. In nine years since 9/11 happened, we have gone to war with Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are still at war with Iraq and diminishing the supply of soldiers that we have. Having to recycle our soldiers, some of them are now going into war with Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom as well.

You can imagine the continual involvement in war torn territories that a soldier is confronted with. Being redeployed multiple times, physical injury, if any, the constant and continual confrontations of violence still exist.

Based on statistics for Operation Iraqi Freedom, the human cost has been high.

- Killed in action since March 2007 – 3,190 for all branches

- Killed in action, non-hostile, 596

- Civilians killed in action for just being over there, women, infants and children, 58,476 to 655,000!

For the soldiers that have not been physically injured, what has happened to them mentally? They go back to their military bases, mentally anguished and not the same. Are these soldiers getting the help they need . . . before it is too late?

This soldier ended his own life shortly after saving this child.

This soldier we don’t know enough about.
My final note: Are there more soldiers out there that need our help?

 Medic in famous photo dies after PTSD struggle. Retrieved December 18, 2010, from the World Wide Web: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/07/military_suicidedwyer_070308w/

Retrieved December 18, 2010, from the World Wide Web: http://ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/overview-mental-health-effects.asp

Retrieved December 18, 2010, from the World Wide Web: http://www.ptsdcombat.com/documents/ptsdcombat_war-list_oef-oif-statistics.pdf

1 comment:

  1. Can give you a link to the story second picture -- look up "Michael Yon's" little girl. The soldier shown is Major Mark Bieger, see http://www.michaelyon-online.com/little-girl.htm
